Support for events and animation

ILVV's mission is to support the organisation of international scientific events and to facilitate the attendance of PhD students and post-docs.


Preparing and launching scientific

ILVV contributes to the organisation of various types of scientific events aimed at increasing multidisciplinarity.

  • Participation in the organisation of regional and national multi-disciplinary scientific days / organisation of multi-disciplinary conferences, to showcase French research on ageing and promote future researchers and projects.
  • Support for organisers of scientific events by covering the accommodation costs of a foreign speaker and/or covering the costs of one or two doctoral and post-doctoral students selected by the organisers.
  • Support for PhD students and post-docs to attend scientific events, via calls for applications

Feedback from experience

When taking charge of speakers or participants, they are asked to provide feedback on the event:  Read examples (in French)

You are working in a French lab and organise a multidisciplinary scientific event (in France)?

To find out how the ILVV can support your event, please consult the instructions.







1972-2022 : la revue a 50 ans !



Regards croisés sur les usages du numérique par et pour des personnes âgées en situation de dépendance

Cette journée d'étude a réunit des intéressé.e.s par les thématiques du genre, de l’économie de la famille ou de l’aide informelle pour présenter leurs travaux en cours.  

A destination des personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie : quels impacts sur les professionnels et les territoires ?


Société inclusive et avancée en âge

Economic exclusion in old age : Research and policy
