Participatory governance
The founding members of the ILVV are Cnav, CNRS, CNSA, Drees, EPHE, Ined, Inserm, Université Paris-Dauphine and Université de Lorraine. These research and social protection organisations support the ILVV through their activities in structuring this field of research and through their financial or in-kind contributions to the multiannual action programme. The ILVV operates on the basis of participatory governance. It is made up of a number of bodies that interact within the ILVV, in particular through the Bureau, in order to propose, organise, support and guide activities and events.
- Twice a year, The steering committe brings together the representatives of the constituent partners who support the ILVV financially and in its missions,
- The international scientific board brings together, twice a year, French scientists representing disciplines that are not well represented in the ILVV's networks or who are recognised for their contribution to the organisation and structuring of research in related fields (disability, social inequalities, gender, etc.); foreign scientists who are recognised for their experience in organising or structuring the field of ageing in their country.
- The General Assembly brings together the community of the field. The community is encourage encouraged to ask us for support in organising events; they receive information about events and research; they are invited to take part in our activities... We ask for feedback so that we know what the needs are. ILVV gradually develops a network of collaborators representing French research labs.