Preparing and launching scientific
ILVV contributes to the organisation of various types of scientific events aimed at increasing multidisciplinarity.
- Participation in the organisation of regional and national multi-disciplinary scientific days / organisation of multi-disciplinary conferences, to showcase French research on ageing and promote future researchers and projects.
- Support for organisers of scientific events by covering the accommodation costs of a foreign speaker and/or covering the costs of one or two doctoral and post-doctoral students selected by the organisers.
- Support for PhD students and post-docs to attend scientific events, via calls for applications
Feedback from experience
When taking charge of speakers or participants, they are asked to provide feedback on the event: Read examples (in French)
You are working in a French lab and organise a multidisciplinary scientific event (in France)?
To find out how the ILVV can support your event, please consult the instructions.
Regards croisés sur les usages du numérique par et pour des personnes âgées en situation de dépendance
Cette journée d'étude a réunit des chercheur.se.s intéressé.e.s par les thématiques du genre, de l’économie de la famille ou de l’aide informelle pour présenter leurs travaux en cours.
A destination des personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie : quels impacts sur les professionnels et les territoires ?
Economic exclusion in old age : Research and policy