Mission 1 : To know

Improving the legibility of the field

In order to make the field easier to understand and to encourage multidisciplinarity and collaboration, the ILVV provides tools that help to structure the field.

The database "who's who" by topics and key word...

It has been set up to analyse the field and to bring out issues that are currently being developed.

This database is constantly fed by the researchers themselves who register individually to fill in their profile and to describe their own work. This database is then available in three forms:

  • The data allows a description of the French research community "in numbers".
  • The queryable ILVV directory, allowing a mapping of the research community on key words, disciplines, regions…
  • The directory of projects gathering the description provided by researchers who filled this part of their profile

Accéder à son profil par l'activation ou l'ouverture d'un compte :

  • Si vous êtes déjà inscrit·e·s dans la base de données, vous activez votre compte (vous avez reçu un message via l'adresse secretariat(@)ilvv.fr ; sinon, nous contacter).
  • Si vous n'êtes pas encore inscrit·e·s dans la base de données, vous créez un compte et recevrez un message d'activation de votre compte

An overview of data sources

These activities aim to give greater visibility to the data sources produced and used by the various actors in the field, and to involve researchers more in the development and use of surveys by public policy bodies.